
 DATA <expression>[, <expression>, <expression>...]

DATA statement stores values to be retrieved using the READ sentence. These can be numerical or string expressions. Instead of using INPUT() function or LET assignments, you can write a sequence (or several of them) of DATA which might result in a compact and more readable code to initialize data variables.

DATA statements can be placed anywhere in the code, but they're usually located at the end for better readability.


FOR i = 1 TO 2
    READ a, b, c$

    PRINT "a: "; a
    PRINT "b: "; b
    PRINT "c: "; c

REM notice the a * a expression
DATA 2, a * a, "Hello"
DATA b * 5, 32, "World"

This will output:

 a: 2
 b: 4
 c: Hello
 a: 20
 b: 32
 c: World

Expressions are read and evaluated one by one. When a DATA line is finished, the next one in the listing will be read. Traditionally if there's no more data to read, an OUT of Data error happened. In ZX Basic, the read sequence restarts from the beginning.


  • This statement is Sinclair BASIC compatible.

See also