
chr(<value1>[, <valueN>])
chr$(<value1>[, <valueN>])


Returns a string containing the ASCII characters whose codes are the given values. The arguments must be a numeric expression and, unlike Sinclair BASIC, parenthesis are mandatory. Returned value type is string.


REM Char for ASCII code 65 is 'A'
PRINT "CHR(65) is "; CHR(65)

This function is extended, and several values can be given at once. The result is a concatenation of all the given values:

REM Chars for ASCII codes from 65 to 67 ('A' to 'C')
PRINT "CHR(65, 66, 67) is "; CHR(65, 66, 67)

The following lines are both equivalent, but the 2nd is faster and takes less memory:

REM These two sentences are equivalent
PRINT "CHR(65, 66, 67) is "; CHR(65) + CHR(66) + CHR(67)
PRINT "CHR(65, 66, 67) is "; CHR(65, 66, 67)

In fact, if the compiler detects the programmer is using CHR(x) + CHR(y), it might compile it as CHR(x, y) to perform such optimization.


  • This function is 100% Sinclair BASIC Compatible, but parenthesis are mandatory
  • This function is expanded comparing to the original Sinclair BASIC
  • As with other functions and variables, the trailing $ can be omitted.

See Also